Project Number | ST0116 |
Program | STREETS |
Total Budget | $43,648,000 |
Estimated Start Date | Winter 2015 |
Estimated Completion Date | Winter 2021 |
Project Contact |
Erwin Ching 925-556-4530 |
This project will add one automobile lane and a bike lane in each direction of Tassajara Road from North Dublin Ranch Drive to the City and Contra Costa County limit line. The project will also add new sidewalks and upgrade all existing and future traffic signals to accommodate the street widening. Each intersection in this segment will be designed to achieve good circulation while adhering to Complete Street Policy. The project also includes the construction of new center raised concrete median with street lighting and new curb and gutter.
This project requires preliminary engineering including a feasibility analysis to define the new roadway alignment, design cross-section, right of way, and environmental clearance before it can be moved forward for design and construction. Preliminary engineering and environmental document preparation began in Fiscal Year 2015-2016. Detail design and right-of-way acquisition will follow, pending available funding.
Total cost of the project is $43.6 million. Of this cost, $16.6 million worth of improvements are expected to be completed by development and the remaining amount ($27 million) will need to be paid for from Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact fees and/or from regional funding sources like Measure BB. A significant amount of this cost is related to improving the horizontal alignment of the street at the County line which requires several retaining walls to straighten the roadway.
December 15, 2015 – Consultant Service Agreement
February 16, 2016 – Consultant Service Agreement (Continued)