Project Number | ST0911 |
Program | STREETS |
Total Budget | $22,906,511 |
Project Contact |
Michael Boitnott (925) 833-6630 |
This project provides for the widening of Dougherty Road (Sierra Lane to the North City Limit) from four to six lanes including construction of bike lanes, modification of traffic signals, raised landscaped median and installation of additional street and pedestrian lighting. Detailed design has been completed, the environmental document (Mitigated Negative Declaration) was approved in February 2013, and the acquisition of environmental permits and right-of-way was completed in early 2016. A combination of Measure B/BB, Congestion Management Agency Transportation Improvement Program, Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee Category 3, Dougherty Valley Traffic Impact Fee and project specific mitigation funds are currently programmed for the project. Construction of the roadway improvement project began in the summer of 2016.
Construction Overview
Construction of the Dougherty Road Improvements began in mid-July 2016 and are scheduled to run through Fall 2017. The Dougherty Road Improvement Project consists of the following multi-modal improvements to Dougherty Road:
Project Benefits
These improvements will address traffic congestion and multi-modal circulation issues for commuters traveling Dougherty Road, including improved access to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station.
The estimated total cost for this project is approximately $23 million. The project is being funded in large part by voter-approved sales tax Measure B and Measure BB, $6,267,000 and $11,200,000 respectively, with the balance of the project being funded with local traffic impact fees.
Sequence of Construction and LocationsConstruction Hours
The Dougherty Road improvements will be constructed in six phases over a 16-18 month time period.
Phase 1: Construction of two additional travel lanes along the eastern side of Dougherty Road between Scarlett Drive and the Dublin/San Ramon city limits, and construction of new bike/pedestrian infrastructure.
Phase 2: Construction of landscape medians between Scarlett Drive and the Dublin/San Ramon city limits.
Phase 3 and Phase 4: Widening of the eastern side of Dougherty Road between Scarlett Drive and Sierra Lane and construction of new bike/pedestrian infrastructure.
Phase 5: Construction of landscape medians between Scarlett Drive and Sierra Lane, and modifications to the intersection of Scarlett Drive and Dougherty Road.
Phase 6: Asphalt overlay from Dublin Boulevard to the Dublin/San Ramon city limits.
Construction Hours
Construction is allowed between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, and between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, except as reduced by regulatory permits.
Lane closures in the southbound direction of Dougherty Road are restricted to the hours from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and in the northbound direction from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Construction Impact
It is recommended that residents carpool or use public transportation during this project, including Wheels Bus, County Connection, and BART.
The City of Dublin thanks you for your patience during this and other roadwork projects, as we work to maintain and improve the safety and quality of our roads.
October 20, 2015 – Purchase of Mitigation Lands